Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Feel Financially Depressed

This is a sad, miserable post. Please do not read unless you wish to be depressed too!

I just updated my “debt-o-meters” sidebar and am struck by how slowly I am inching towards paying my debt off. Over the summer, I got paid fewer times and very irregularly, but I managed not to rake up more debt and save some money in my freedom account, but by the end of the summer I was exhausted. My August pay was only for half the month and most of my August snowflakes went towards paying my semester bill (my grad program pays for tuition, but I have to pay for misc fees which come up to approximately $350/semester). A few days ago, I looked at my pitiable bank balance and decided that I needed to dip into my savings account in order to survive the month. So, I transferred $150 from my HSBC account to my checking account. I am perilously near crossing my budget limit thanks to a shopping and casino trip with my sister (it was fun, but I lost at the casino). I know that I spent the money because of an unwise choice that I made, but it has been almost a year since I bought myself any new clothes.

I do make some sensible decisions too, but I feel that this adds to my depression. Take for instance the case of my housing. Early last year was when I started to become even remotely aware of my financial situation. For three years I had lived in a lovely apartment – not extremely expensive, but pricey enough for me to decide that I could not continue to live there anymore. I decided to find the cheapest apartment possible and send the savings towards my debt. I found such an apartment soon – they were the cheapest rooms in town. I would have a large living room, a cupboard-sized space for a bedroom (space enough for a bed and night-stand and nothing else), and a large kitchen. All utilities paid except internet. The downside – the rooms were in the basement of a prehistoric house, I had to share the restroom (no tub, just a shower stall) with another inhabitant of the other side of the basement, no laundry facilities on-site, the basement also turned out to be much damper than I had imagined it would be. Pretty miserable conditions really. I might have found a roommate for a better apartment, but having had some quite negative experiences with roommates before, I decided not to. Anyway, I was saving a large chunk of money, and I was willing to put up with the crappy apartment. I moved in. A month later Murphy struck and my car (which was an old old old piece of junk) died. I decided to invest in a much newer car, took out a loan and guess what? The difference in my rent just about covered my car payment – so a year and a half later, there hasn’t been even a fraction of the movement that I had hoped to see in my debt-reduction. But I am okay with that – I have a lovely car that I can use for another ten years at the very least.

And then something happens to depress me even further - I stayed a couple of days at a friend’s place last week and simple luxuries such as a bathtub, and a bedroom with space for a TV in it, a window that actually lets some light in, ceilings that I cannot touch even if I tried to, and other such things made me want to move right out of my crappy apartment. In a year’s time, I will be off on internship and will be making more money. I could stop trying so hard and allow myself a bit more luxury right now. I make and save so little right now that in the long run all this frugality is only going to knock off 5-6 months off my debt-reduction payment. I show all the signs of depression in the financial area of my life – I feel hopeless, stuck, tired, frustrated and angry (with myself more than anyone else). I wish dearly that I could somehow fast-forward a year of my life!!!


3beansalad said...

Stay the course with your current frugal ways. Don't upgrade your lifestyle anticipating that you'll make more money soon. What if you upgrade then something happens and you end up having to spend another year in grad school? Also, the internship will come with lots of new expenses: a new city, a move, need for a more professional wardrobe, etc etc! After I completed I moved to a much more expensive city-- even though I'm making a lot more money it's still not easy to save! Good luck!

Azalea said...

You're right of course! I just felt very depressed. I treated myself to a fun weekend and now I am back in the mood of wanting to save!

Accumulation Phase said...

Being financially responsible is - in our culture - often the road less traveled.

I am probably in a different situation than you, but you can be thankful for the tuition being paid. I'm tackling student loans right now, and it seems insane!

Best of luck.

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