Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Successfully Passed My Qualifiers

Two weeks ago, I took my Ph.D. qualifying exams. In my department, this is a day-long (8 hr) written examination - 5 essay questions. I am a BIG procrastinator and although I had been collecting prep materials all summer, I only actually studies for two weeks. This was an extremely stupid and dangerous thing to do since the questions could be asked on absolutely ANY area of psychology (my major). However, I did some real heavy-duty studying those last two weeks and felt okay about my answers the evening of the day I took them. But I still was trying not to hope for too much since I was horribly under-prepared. However, on Saturday my major professor called me to congratulate me on passing my exam. I am ecstatic!!! I still don't know how much I scored on each question, but I don't really care - I passed, and that is all that is required to make me an official Ph.D. candidate so that I can go on to work on my dissertation.

What does this have to do with finances? For me, quite a lot actually. A couple of years ago, my major professor went on a year long sabbatical. The procrastinator that I am, I took this as an excuse to not do any research at all. As a result, other than classes and clients, in all other areas, I am about a year behind my cohort members. In order to go on internship and graduate on schedule, I need to propose my dissertation by Oct 15th. This would not be possible unless I passed my qualifiers. Had I failed, I would be stuck here a year longer - meaning very low pay for another year and postponing debt repayment and savings for a whole year!!! That is another reason I am thrilled to have passed. Now if only I can get my proposal done in a month!!! Wish me luck!


LAVA said...

I wish you all the best. I have recently taken a look at starting my PhD so I cannot imagine the stress you had to have been under.

Congratulations on that milestone!

3beansalad said...

Congrats! Now-- nose to the grindstone!

Azalea said...

Thank you both very much!! I feel very relieved. :-)

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