Saturday, June 28, 2008

Forgotten Treasure

I just made the most delightful discovery! I was cleaning out a cupboard and came across a purse that I have not used in the last three years. I considered putting along with a collection of other things that I hope to sell at a yard sale in a few weeks’ time, but the purse is too pretty to sell. Anyway, I looked through the pockets and among other relics of myself three years ago, I found thirty-five dollars secreted away neatly in a small, almost-hidden pocket!!! I was in raptures and did a victory dance around my living room. I now have more money to add to my June Monthly Challenge!

It is amazing finding money when you don’t expect to see it there, and I am almost tempted to conceal another tidy little sum in some other secret cache to discover in another two years’ time – but I’ll probably remember it all along and it won’t really be the same thing.

P.S. I received a variety of important looking documents and an ATM card from my new HSBC Direct savings account. I’m quite impressed, and HSBC has convinced me that by banking with them, I am truly getting good value for my money. My old credit union savings account wasn’t half as fancy, and I feel quite the snob right now. :-)


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